Indonesian Govt Sues New7Wonders Foundation

Sumber :
  • ANTARA/ M Risyal Hidayat

VIVAnews -The Indonesian government has appointed a legal firm in Switzerland to give legal advice on its dispute with New7Wonders Foundation in the seven wonders competition in which Komodo Island was nominated.

"We file a lawsuit because they have removed [Komodo Island] from the list," said Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sapta Nirwandar.

Ministry of Culture and Tourism (then Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy) assigned Todung Mulya Lubis as the ministry's lawyer.

Satya said the government has long been in great doubt over the credibility of New7Wonders Foundation, causing it to step back from the contest.

With regard to the promotion funds, Sapta denied the news saying that the amount reaches Rp110 billion.

"There is budget for the Komodo promotion. But I'm not in the know of the exact amount," he said.

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