Govt Urged to Issue Report on Migrant Workers

TKI terlantar di Jeddah, Arab Saudi
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VIVAnews – The National Commission on Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan) has called for the government to announce the report on migrant worker issues especially those facing death sentence. 

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According to the Komnas Perempuan, until now the Migrant Worker Rescue Task Force has yet to show effective measures to save the lives of Indonesia’s migrant workers who are about to be executed. 

“Based on the Foreign Ministry’s data, there are still 210 Indonesian workers who are facing death sentence,” Chief of Komnas Perempuan, Yuniyanti Chuzaifah, said in a press release, December 19.

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Yuniyanti said 146 workers are under death sentence in Malaysia; 45 workers in Saudi Arabia; 15 workers in China; 2 workers in Singapore; 1 worker in Iran; and 1 worker in Brunei Darussalam. 

Komnas Perempuan urged the government to pass a legislation package on migrant workers and maid protection:  the ratification of Migrant Workers Convention (1990); 189th ILO Convention on Housemaid Decent Work. The government is also encouraged to pass Housemaid Protection Bill and amended Law No. 39/2004.

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The government, Yuniyanti said, must be responsible in fulfilling immigrant workers’ rights, especially those who were the victims of multiple violations.

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