Indonesia No 8 on Piracy Rate List

ilustrasi piracy/pembajakan
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VIVAnews - Indonesia is still in the list of top eight countries with the highest piracy level in the world, IDC and BSA’s (Business Software Alliance) seventh annual report of 2009 revealed.

According to the report, Indonesia stands at eighth position with 86 percent, which notes the commercial value of pirated software up to US$ 886 million that is equal to Rp 8 trillion.

“Unfortunately, the percentage of software piracy in Indonesia has gone up one percent from last year to 86 percent,” BSA Representative and Spokesperson, Donny A Sheyoputra said at his office in Jakarta on Tuesday, May 11.

Regarding the trend, according to Sheyoputra, countries with high level of PC penetration usually have high rate of piracy cases as well. In Indonesia, along 2009, PC sales reportedly almost doubled or went almost 100 percent from 2.4 million units in 2008 to 3.3 million units in 2009.

“Software sales are supposed to increase along with the growth of PC sales. If it doesn’t, that means the piracy rate is pretty high. In Indonesia, for example, the piracy rate surprisingly climbed up one percent,” Sheyoputra said. “That means, lowering the number of pirated software in Indonesia has become an important mission”.

IDC learned in 2009 that the growth of PC sales in Indonesia rose more than 72 percent, in which 61 percent are consumers PCs like desktop PCs, laptops and personal net books.

“We all know PC penetration has kept going up. That means we have to work hard to cut back the piracy rate,” he said. “However, as long as there are so many shopping centers and outlets selling pirated products, it will be hard to do”.

Sheyoputra also said BSD required support and the involvement of every element in the society, especially the government, in educating the public about the issue and running anti-piracy campaign.

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Translated by: Nataya Ermanti

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