More Corruption Committed in Aceh: Survey

Museum Tsunami Nangroe Aceh Darussalam
Sumber :

VIVAnews - Transparency International Indonesia (TII) launched the latest result of its survey on corruption in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, the easternmost province of Indonesia, which emphasized increase in corruption statistics. 

The survey aimed at gathering people's points of view over corruption practices in state agencies or institutions in Aceh, mainly in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami and the Helsinki MoU.

The survey took samples from 214 respondents in 23 regencies/municipalities in Aceh.

The TII found that 75 percent of respondents found that the Aceh administration has been ineffective in eradicating corruption.

According to the respondents, the most corrupt institution in the Aceh administration is the executives. "When the respondents were requested to make comparison of the institutions, 38 percent of them believed that the executives were the most corropt parties while 26 percent others blamed the police and another 23 percent fingered attorneys' office," said a researcher at TII, Frenky Simanjuntak.

The respondents viewed that after the tsunami, corruption practices went from bad to worse (51 percent).

"The Aceh administration must work hard in enforcing law which is based on good governance in order to improve people's perception," said Frenky.


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana W

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