Have Disasters Buried Indonesia's Past?

Letusan Gunung Merapi tahun 1984
Sumber :
  • Volcanological Survey of Indonesia

VIVAnews - Indonesia sits on several tectonic plates, and ringed by a chain of fire-breathing volcanoes. As a result, the country is prone to fatal disasters which at times claim countless lives and affect the society. Due to a number of disasters, the nation's past civilizations may have been buried forever.

During the Ancient Mataram Kingdom around 8th Century, the eruptions of Mt Merapi caused tens of thousands of inhabitants to flee their homes. "Rice fields were covered by volcanic ashes," said Soeroso, Secretary Director General of History and Ancient Cultures at the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, on Wednesday.

In Karawang, West Java, the government excavated Jiwo Temple, set up in 5th Century. Mild sands were discovered scattered beneath the compound while human bones were located in deeper spot.

However, Soeroso doubted whether or not the disasters that hit the country afterwards had eliminated another civilization. "I have no idea whether there was a volcanic eruption which casted out a civilization," he said.

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