3 February 1942

Japan Bombed Surabaya

VIVAnews – 67 years ago today, on 3 February 1942, the Japanese launched their first major air strikes on Surabaya.

Since the Japanese overran and put Kendari airfield into operation on 25 January 1942, it was only a matter of time before the whole Dutch East Indies succumbed to Japanese forces. Kendari has the finest air base in the Dutch East Indies. From this strategic airfield, the Japanese bombers could assault nearly all major cities in East Indonesia, including the Dutch naval base in Surabaya.

On 3 February 1942, the Japanese launched their first major air strikes on Surabaya from Kendari air base. Japanese bombers appeared in the sky over Surabaya and dropped their bombs on the city. Meanwhile, the Japanese fighter planes annihilated the Dutch interceptors and Surabaya was soon left without air protection.    

For the next few weeks, Japan carried out a few more air raids against the fortifications outside Surabaya. After destroying much of the Allies defense in Java, on 1 March 1942, the Japanese invasion forces landed in Java. The invaders encountered stiff resistance as they were advance across Java. However, its mobility, numbers, and firepower helped the Japanese beat the Dutch and the Allied Forces.

After only a week of fighting, the Dutch leaders, who feared possible Japanese reprisals against them, ordered its military forces to surrender. On 8 March 1942, the Dutch East Indies officially surrendered to the Japanese.

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27 April 2024