Indonesia's Lion Air Delays IPO

Lion Air
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Muhamad Solihin

VIVAnews – Indonesia's low-cost airline, Lion Air, delays plan to hold IPO this year. The postponement is due to the escalating doubts among Asian investors as regards the fluctuating market. 

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Earlier, Lion Air surprised the nation’s aviation industry following the deal with Boeing on the purchase of more than 200 units of aircrafts worth US$21.7 billion. The purchase is known to be the largest order received by Boeing. 

"We can't do it this year because the situation with the financial crisis is not so good," Lion Air’s CEO, Rusdi Kirana, said as quoted from Reuters. 

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He said Lion Air had a domestic airline market share of 51 percent and aimed to go public when this reached 60 percent, something he estimated would happen "in the next two years".

Although Lion Air has annulled its IPO plan, Rusdi said the company will not be having any difficulty to pay the purchase to Boeing. 

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Currently, Lion Air has 92 aircrafts including the European ATR-72 turbo. All carriers fly to all islands throughout Indonesia.

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