Companies Urged to Respect Outsourcing Rules

Menakertans Muhaimin Iskandar
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Anhar Rizki Affandi

VIVAnews – Ministry of Manpower & Transmigration, Muhaimin Iskandar, urged companies to apply outsourcing regulation, Specific Time Work Agreement (PKWT) and Non-Specific Time Work Agreement (PKWTT).

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Oil & Gas companies are also called on to preserve encouraging working conditions

“Oil & Gas sector is vital,” said Muhaimin Iskandar on Wednesday, Feb 15. 

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The Oil & Gas companies must comply with the points contained in the Circular Letter that Directorate General of Industrial Relations Management issued.

According to the Circular Letter, if the work agreements between the contractors and the manpower suppliers and/or with the manpower itself did not include the conditions of the transfer of workers’ rights protection under the existing (same) work object, then it must be based on PKWTT.

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However, if the work agreement has already included the conditions of the transfer of workers’ rights protection under the existing (same) work object, then it can be based on Specific Time Work Agreement (PKWT). 

Jemaah haji Indonesia mendengarkan khutbah Subuh jelang wukuf.

Cegah Informasi Simpang Siur, Jemaah Haji Diimbau Tak Bagikan Kabar Tidak Benar di Media Sosial

Menurut Direktur Bina Haji PHU Arsad Hidayat, jemaah haji diminta tidak asal membagikan informasi yang beredar di media sosial yang belum jelas kebenarannya.

27 April 2024