State May Lose US$55.9 Bn of Tax Revenue

Wajib Pajak
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Adri Irianto

VIVAnews - Indonesia is projected to record Rp1,033 trillion of tax revenue this year. However, the nation also expects of losing Rp512 trillion (US$55.9 billion). 

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Executive Director of Perkumpulan Prakarsa, Setyo Budiantoro, said today the calculation is based on the possible tax revenue that Indonesia may book. 

"The traditional estimate that IMF made unfolds potential losses from tax which may exceed 40 percent," said Budiantoro today. 

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The government plans to propose more loans worth Rp50 trillion, which add to the total amount of Rp2,000 trillion.

"Every Indonesian citizen will bear debts of more than Rp8 million.

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Due to the potential losses, said Budiantoro, the ratio between tax revenue and gross domestic product is around 12 percent. 

In fact, the average income of lower-middle-income countries such as Indonesia will be about 19 percent. 

"Debt accumulation and low income will lead Indonesia to a debt trap," he said. 

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