ICW: KPK Quarrel Benefiting Corruptors

Evaluasi Kinerja KPK di Komisi III DPR
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/ Muhamad Solihin

VIVAnews – The Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) claimed the escalating conflicts among the officials of the national anti-graft commission KPK will benefit corruptors. 

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ICW Coordinator of Law and Justice Monitoring, Febri Diansyah, told VIVAnews that KPK head Abraham Samad plays a crucial role to end the quarrel.  

“KPK leaders must seriously mull over the case and seek solutions over it,” he said. 

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“KPK must remember that many parties want to destroy the agency. The House of Representatives (DPR) is in fact preparing a revision of KPK regulations that may curb the commission,” he said. 

Three VIVAnews sources earlier said that on Monday, March 12, some KPK investigators questioned Abraham Samad’s decision in returning four investigators back to their original institutions. 

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The four investigators were sent back to their former jobs following two KPK leaders' evaluation that the said men have interrupted the investigation.  However, the four denied the allegation.  

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20 April 2024