Dems: This Is Not the End of Everything

Anggota Fraksi Partai Demokrat di DPR, Nurhayati Ali Assegaf
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Ikhwan Yanuar

VIVAnews – Chairman of the Democratic Party Faction, Nurhayati Ali Assegaf, said the result of IndoBarometer survey that has placed the party in fourth place cannot be ignored. 

Usulan Kejaksaan Izinkan Lima Smelter Perusahaan Timah Tetap Beroperasi Disorot

Issues and cases involving the Democratic Party, she said, have contributed to the decline of the party’s popularity.

“We are aware of the survey that has just mentioned Democrat’s fall. But it’s not the end of the world. We still have time,” she said today in the parliamentary complex. 

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“I think the preparations for 2014 should not stop. We only have to work harder within the next two years to improve our work and discipline,” she said.

A number of the party’s members were snared in various corruption cases. A case tagged along the party’s former Treasurer, M Nazaruddin.

Ekonomi Global Diguncang Konflik Geopolitik, RI Resesi Ditegaskan Jauh dari Resesi

Not wanting to take the blame alone, Nazaruddin has thrown accusations of his associates’ involvement, including Angelina Sondakh. 

The IndoBarometer survey released yesterday shows that young voters under 30 years of age prefer Golkar Party. After Golkar, there are PDI Perjuangan (the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, Gerindra and Demokratic Party, respectively.

Jemaah haji Indonesia mendengarkan khutbah Subuh jelang wukuf.

Cegah Informasi Simpang Siur, Jemaah Haji Diimbau Tak Bagikan Kabar Tidak Benar di Media Sosial

Menurut Direktur Bina Haji PHU Arsad Hidayat, jemaah haji diminta tidak asal membagikan informasi yang beredar di media sosial yang belum jelas kebenarannya.

27 April 2024