Tobacco to Be Listed Negative Investment

VIVAnews - The Department of Industry proposes seven new sectors that will be listed in the negative investment list including tobacco, refinery, and pulp industries. Two other sectors listed are security printing and the 10 thousand megawatt electricity project.

However, each sector will be subject to further evaluation.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said accurate formulation should be aimed at several policies mainly those of health, telecommunication, tourism and public works sectors.

"The revision should take into account the national interests, protect people's needs and side with sound competition over all players," she said on Wednesday, July 1.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

Joe Biden dan Mohammed bin Salman

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Beberapa negara Arab seperti Yordania, UEA, dan Arab Saudi telah memberikan kontribusi dalam menangkal serangan Iran yang ditujukan ke Israel beberapa waktu lalu.

23 April 2024